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About LotusElements

Welcome to LotusElements

The world is a beautiful place, and it needs to stay that way. There are many problems. 


Op naar goede samenleving goede wereld.

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 The Earth system is a very complex one, and a recent change is that we changed from the Holocene period to the Anthropocene in which the humans are not only a part of the world they are a major natural factor. 


It is not a question of wether we should adapt, but how we need to adapt. We need to change the way we deal with climate change, biodiversity loss, stop the erosion of ecosystem services and governance. ‘not how to get countries to do it, (but) the fundamental question of who should decide whether and how geo-engineering should be attempted – a problem of governance’’ 


It is a question of how quick we can adapt. Not if we can adapt. 


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