Make the world a better place
Small Tips
Some small things in with can make a difference.
Ecosia, webbrowser
Ecosia is a webbrowser that cou can download for free, the
Re-usable Waterbottle
There is lots of plastic on places it should not be and we can't throw away plastic forever because we will practically physically live in plastic waste and some people already do. The top 5 of plastic most
Saves you money 20 for a reusable flask vs. 1236 for a year.
But that doesn't mean you should throw away your plastic ones just yet, keep them and use them for other things, or DIY recycle them, click here.
Refillmybottle.com is an online map that identifies all the places where refillers could walk in and fill up their waterbottle for very little to free in South-East Asia.
Aways carry a small bag with you in your jacket, purse or backpack.
You can have very nice and sustainably made phone cases here.
Every day you will receive eco products
All kinds of products that help you with your journey, from sleepwear and natural deodorants to lunchboxes and eco toys.